Will God Win?

                God set out to prepare Elijah to be a great man of faith and prayer.  To do this, He set up and obstacle course of tests.  To this point in I Kings, Elijah had passed everyone, and God has met Elijah’s every need.  When Elijah feared for his life, God showed him where to hide.  When there was no food, God sent ravens to feed him.
                   When the wadi dried up, God sent Elijah to a widow in Sidon.  When Elijah discovered that this poor woman had no food left to share, God provided flour and oil every day to feed them all.  At this point God designed another crisis.  It was the greatest test Elijah had faced thus far.
               If you are at the end of the rope and you can’t see anything left to help you then you must depend on God.  When you think that there is nothing left to feed you physically, emotionally or spiritually then you must understand that God operates in the extra-ordinary and not the ordinary.  You may have been put at the end for a reason, at the point where you see no help or resolution.  For it is as that point where you decide if God will be allowed to win or lose in your life! 
                God has food for you every day! You must pray!  Pray and ask God to feed you.  Prayer is the feet to God’s will.  It sets God’s desire and power into action.  I challenge you to turn off the radio, turn off the TV and computer and spend 30 minutes a day in prayer!  Watch what God can do for you if you only take time to tell Him your need!  It is not that He doesn’t already know your need, He does!  The point is that God wants to hear you ask! 

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for men of God to come and minister in India a land of idol worship! If you cant come plz..' send ' someone who can come and preach the gospel message of Jesus Christ to save millions of souls. There is ministry opportunity for adults , women, youth and for children.
    "The church has been established by Christ to be an army…(but) armies, in order to be effective, must be very sensitive in caring for their wounded… There is always a major work to be done within the church in terms of ministering to the needs of the people". R.C. Sproul
    Bro. Raj.


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