Is God Involved???

     Genesis 18:14 “Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return about this time next year, and Sarah will have a son.”
     Have you ever taken the question, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” and put your specific topic into that question?  “Is it too hard for the Lord to provide money for my bills?”  “Is it too hard for the Lord to fix my marriage?”

     If you had been Abraham and you had that faith that you have today…would you really have bothered to even let it cross your mind to say, “Lord, I will return and Sarah will have a son.” Most people wouldn’t because their faith wouldn’t be stronger than the physical possibilities they see.  You would have seen an old lady and the circumstances and said, “ no way.”

     Do you know we serve a God that has created every single thing we see, every single person that has ever walked on this earth, He knew.  He knows every person that will ever be born, knows how many stars hang in space and yet we place Him in a box of possibilities and we limit him to what we think He can and can’t do.  Shame on us! 

     You are the child of a King, now act like it! Your “daddy” can do anything, anytime and anyway He wants! All you have to do is ask and then have it done!  Make it a priority this week to live in the possibility and not what you see!

     Church growth would never take place if we only believed in the things that we see.  To walk into a church meeting and see only a handful present is sometimes discouraging but not with God.  God wants us to become evangelist because His plans are not ours and His desire is to have churches larger than anything we have ever saw, Christians in less financial problems than non-believers, Christians with stronger marriages than anyone in the world!  Church growth and evangelism can never be carried out in the physical sense, but must always be carried out in the spiritual realm! –Go make “daddy” proud!

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