Matthew 13 sure does a good job with showing how people are today. We have those that let God’s word be sown into their hearts and take root to change the field that they live in and grow amazing fruit for God’s kingdom. Also, we have people that appear to be faithful and amazing Christians but have no clue about God’s true power in their life!
“A farmer went out to sow his seed…As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up.” Matthew 14:3-4
Have you ever watched the movie Home Alone 2? In the end the character catches the bad guys by throwing bird seed over their sticky covered clothing and instantly thousands of pigeons attacked them and they were brought down. Notice that the pigeons took no time to jump once the seed were thrown. In our life today a small bird may not be an enemy to bring us down, but Satan is. He knows well the power that has been placed upon you. Does Satan easily take God away from you?
In today’s time people are so shallow with their Christian walk with God that I am sure Satan is not lacking for “seed meals.” Here is a simple test: 1. If someone cuts you off in traffic do you instantly get angry and use a finger to express your anger or do you simply say, “I’ll pray for you.” 2. If a friend were to post something negative about you on the internet would you get mad and post something negative back? 3. When was the last time that you spent more than even 15 minutes in prayer? The response to these questions will determine how deep your spiritual seeds are planted!
If you have only allowed God to apply His power, Spirit and word to the outer parts of your skin then Satan can easily fly down and attack you and devour those seeds so they may never take root and grow! Study God’s word, pray and seek God and you will see that those seeds will be deep within your soul!
I assure you that God has a desire to be planted far deeper than most people allow! Not only does he want to be planted deeper, He wants to be the only seed that grows within you! He can supply all your needs so in reality do you really need to plant anything else?
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